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Autorské čtení rezidenta Michaela O‘Loughlina

Irský spisovatel Michael O‘Loughlin je rezidentem projektu Praha město literatury. V úterý 24. října v 19.00 v Malé vile PNP bude mluvit o své tvorbě, také třeba o svém silném vztahu k České republice, českým autorům a přečte ze své poezie.

Ukázky tvorby budou čteny jak v anglickém originále, tak v překladech v češtině. Pořad je z cyklu autorských čtení zahraničních rezidentů s názvem Doteky světové literatury a vznikl ve spolupráci projektu Praha město literatury a Památníku národního písemnictví. Moderátorem večera bude David Vaughan a ukázky v češtině přečte herec Kajetán Písařovic. Texty v češtině budou čteny v překladech Tomáše Míky.

The Irish writer Michael O’Louglin is the next resident of the project Prague City of Literature. On Tuesday, October 24, at 19:00 in Památnínk národního písmenictví, Malá vila (see the address below on the poster), he will talk about his work, also for instance about his strong relationship with Czech republic, Czech literature, and will read from his poetry. The event is from the series of author readings of foreign residents called Doteky světové literatury (The Touches of World Literature), and was created in collaboration of The Prague City of Literature project with The National Literary Archive. The moderator of the whole evening will be David Vaughan, and the excerpts in Czech will be read by the actor Kajetán Písařovic. The poems in Czech will be read in translation by Tomáš Míka.

Michael O’Loughlin was born in 1958 in Dublin. He published his first collection of poetry in 1980, and since then he has published five more collections. He has also written screenplays for three major feature films. In addition, he has published stories and many essays and reviews, which he continues to do, and has translated more than a hundred publications from Dutch, French and Spanish. He has lived in many different cities, including Barcelona, Paris, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam. The city has always been central to his work, and in recent years it has focussed on European history in the twentieth century. From the beginning, he has been fascinated by the cultures of countries like the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, and how they relate to his own cultural background in a small edge of Europe.

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