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Juan Pablo Bertazza

Juan Pablo Bertazza was born on January 8, 1983 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studied Literature and Language at Buenos Aires University. He’s worked as an editor, journalist, and a professor. He discovered poetry at an early age and ever since he’s been fascinated by the huge range of expressive possibilities that it has to offer. Despite the fact that it tends to be an undervalued genre, he managed to publish four books at some of the most prestigious poetry publishing houses of Argentina. His current goal as a writer is to enter the universe of longer narrative, such as short stories and novels, without leaving behind the richness and expressive possibilities that poetry has to offer.

During his residency stay in Prague, Juan Pablo Bertazza published a bilingual poetry collection En el umbral de Praga / On the Threshold of Prague, followed by his prosaic debut Prague Syndrome. He currently lives permanently in Prague.

Resident's Message

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